Course and Location
Biemesderfer Stadium on the campus of Millersville University
Biemesderfer Stadium
on the campus of Millersville University
45 Pucillo Drive, Millersville, PA 17551
For an interactive map with location and directions, click here.
Registration: Under the bleachers at Biemesderfer Stadium on the campus of Millersville University
Race start: Outside of Biemesderfer Stadium on the campus of Millersville University
Race finish, awards and prizes: Inside Biemesderfer Stadium on the campus of Millersville University
For a map on where to park on race day, click here.
We recommend participants use the parking lot at James and Creek Drive. Signs on George Street will direct you to this area.
Note: If you want to leave before the 5K run is completed, we strongly suggest parking in the lots behind the Millersville University Library. Access to those lots is located on West Frederick St. Most of the course will be closed to traffic until around 10:00am.
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For questions or comments, please email us at